
Back to School Doesn't Mean Back to Bullying - Legal Expert Weighs In

Bullying Prevention Tips

By Tirralan August 18, 2023

As the new school year begins many kids are dreading having that encounter with the proverbial bully, or perhaps a child has never had a run in with a bully but as parents we still want them armed and ready should it ever happen.

Let's face it, sadly, most kids have been victims of bullying whether they admit it or not, or whether they even realize it or not.

Research states that 1 out of 5 kids report being bullied. Imagine all the kids who don't report.

On my podcast Time Out with Tinseltown Mom, I bring back top legal expert and licensed education attorney, Catherine Michael. Catherine represents students and their families in a variety of education and personal injury matters including Special Education Due Process, disciplinary issues, personal injury of children, sexual abuse, school shooting victims, as well as other civil rights and disability claims experienced by students.

On this episode we talk about ways to arm your child against bullying.